Dignity Health | Be well | Winter 2014 - page 8

Davis’ professional career
and lifelong passion have been
one and the same for the last
40 years. Ken is a third-generation,
avid horseman who has spent the
majority of his life training horses.
His physically demanding life as
a horse trainer, competitor and
rancher has given Ken endless
joy, but also created hip problems
that he once feared would threaten
his lifestyle.
His area of expertise—cutting
horses—is Ken’s strength and has
been the focus of his career since
the mid-1980s. This di cult feat of
horsemanship showcases the ability
of a rider to seamlessly guide his
horse and separate one speci c cow
away from a herd of cattle. Ken,
who has won ten major titles at
renowned competitive shows,
instructs people who share his
passion for cutting horses at his own
ranch—the Ken Davis Ranch LLC.
In 2006, Ken began experiencing
the initial signs of hip arthritis,
which in severe cases is indicative
of the need for hip replacement
surgery. He experienced chronic
pain in his lower right back, the
inside of his right knee, and groin.
Avid horseman’s life
no longer dictated by pain
“The best part about
the success of my
surgery is that I have
my life back.”
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