mammograms start the same
way—with an X-ray of the breast.
But a newer type, called a digital
mammogram, processes images
di erently. It records and stores
images on a computer instead of
on X-ray lm.
Digital mammograms still require
compressing the breasts to get good
images. But according to the Ameri-
canCancer Society (ACS), they have
some advantages over lm.
After you have a mammogram, the
images are analyzed by a radiolo-
gist. With digital mammograms,
the radiologist can adjust the
images on
the computer
screen to get
a better look.
He or she can
change the size,
brightness or
contrast to see
certain areas
more clearly.
Some studies
show that this
reduces the number of women who
need to return for extra tests.
If the radiologist wants to send
the images to your doctor or show
them to another specialist, this can
easily be done electronically. Man-
aging images this way is similar to
how digital photos can be viewed
and shared.
Both lm and digital mammo-
grams work well at nding breast
cancer. However, several studies
show that digital images may be
more accurate in women younger
than 50 and in women with dense
breast tissue, reports the ACS.
Mercy Foundation North recently
completed a campaign to bring
digital mammography to Mercy
Medical Center Mt. Shasta. This
technology makes it easier for our
radiologists to detect breast cancer
at the earliest possible stage,” says
Rebecca Dyson, MD, Radiologist,
Mercy Mt. Shasta. “The equip-
ment is the highest quality
available and gives us
the con dence
Schedule your mammogram at
Mercy Medical Center Mt. Shasta or
St. Elizabeth Community Hospital
by calling
Dyson, MD
Radiologist, Mercy
Medical Center
Mt. Shasta
that we are providing the best
possible care to our patients.”
Safeande ective
While all X-rays use radiation, the
dose from both lm and digital
mammograms is very small. In
fact, one mammogram delivers
about the same amount of ra-
diation as you get in three months
from natural sources.
About half the mammograms done
today are digital. But if you only
have access to lmmammograms,
don’t worry. Both types are very
good at detecting breast changes
early, when treatment works best.
According to the ACS, women
should begin having yearly mam-
mograms at age 40.
To find out more about mammograms and
breast cancer, visit the American Cancer Society