Dignity Health North State news
The Red Bluff Round-Up annual Tough
Enough to Wear Pink campaign has
gained great success as a fundraiser,
encompassing everything from shooting
hoops to shooting sporting clays. It has
inspired like-minded groups in the area
to donate to the breast cancer services
of the St. Elizabeth Imaging Center.
Red Bluff High School junior
Jessica MacDonald, supported by
her teammates, orchestrated the first
February Pink Out through a series
of planned events at the high school,
From left: Polaris Razor donor, Red Bluff
Yamaha—Robert Carrell. Back: Greg
Red Bluff Daily News
Dave Ramelli, Red Bluff Round-Up
President; Jolene Kemen, Red Bluff
Round-Up Director. Seated: Sister Pat
Manoli, St. Elizabeth Community Hospital
Senior Director of Mission Integration; Todd
Smith, St. Elizabeth Chief Operating Officer.
St. Elizabeth Imaging Center stays in the pink—thanks to you!
including a dress-up day, a pep rally,
sales of pink bandanas and bracelets,
and the Pink Out basketball tournament.
In April, the Tehama Shooters Range
hosted its second annual sporting clay
shoot to support the imaging center.
We look forward to continuing
to support breast cancer awareness,
prevention and treatment,” says Bud
George, Range Secretary.
The first sporting clay event, Shoot
for Purpose, took place in 2006 as an
all-women’s amateur sporting clay shoot.
It raised funds to sponsor mammograms
for uninsured women in the community.
Soroptimists International of Red Bluff
has also donated to the imaging center
through various fundraising activities.
Focusing on the health and well-being
of women is core to our purpose as a
nonprofit special interest group,” says Vici
Miranda, former Soroptimist President.
It is because of supporters such as
these that the St. Elizabeth Imaging
Center is able to continue to provide
state-of-the-art services to all.
Tough Enough to Wear Pink
Every April, Tehama County becomes rodeo central with the
hustle and bustle of cowboys, cowgirls and rodeo fans. Many
events fill the week leading up to the rodeo, including a chili
cook-off, cowboy poetry readings, parades and a pancake
breakfast. But no event is more popular than the Sunday
rodeo performance and the Tough Enough to Wear Pink
campaign. All things are pink on that day—the fans, the flags
and even the livestock are decorated in pink.
The pinnacle event is the live auction that takes place center
stage in the arena and has showcased a variety of items, such
as pink chaps, pink saddles, a pink signature shotgun and,
the most recent, a pink Polaris Razor (a four-wheel-drive ranch
vehicle). The Red Bluff Round-Up board of directors adopted
the event more than six years ago and has since raised and
donated over $208,000 to the St. Elizabeth Imaging Center.
Come to the Red Bluff Round-Up on April 21, 2013, to
experience Tough Enough to Wear Pink firsthand. For more
information, visit
To make a
donation, please call Sue Ampi, Mercy Foundation North
Development Officer, at