Dignity Health | Be well | Fall 2014 - page 5

The right fit
Choosing the best health plan for you
during open enrollment
Here it comes again—open enrollment. It’s your once-a-
year opportunity to make changes to your health insurance
plan, health savings account, or flexible spending account.
The key word here is
. Most health plans are
accepted by Dignity Health hospitals. However, if yours is
not, now is the time to sign up for one that is. By selecting
a plan that includes Dignity Health hospitals, you can take
advantage of:
The latest medical technology, including telemedicine
and da Vinci robotic surgery
Advanced orthopaedic, cardiac, and stroke care close
to home
A specialized medical team that will always treat you
as an individual and a partner in your health care
If you’re already with a plan affiliated with us,
congratulations. For you, open enrollment means
reviewing your health needs and adjusting your coverage
or contributions if needed.
If you’re not sure whether your plan covers care with Dignity
Health hospitals, call our open enrollment specialists at
or ask your health plan representative.
Choosing an agent
By Garrett Viggers
It’s important to find a certified insurance agent who
understands the lay of the land, especially with new tax
credits available to purchase affordable coverage. Your agent
should also be able to explain Medi-Cal eligibility for both
adults and kids at certain income ranges. A knowledgeable
agent understands the ins and outs of what makes you
eligible to receive a tax credit as well as what makes you
ineligible. Now, more than ever, an agent is valuable in
helping you analyze all your options and getting you enrolled
on the right plan. Lastly, it may be helpful to find an agent
who was a part of last year’s open enrollment season.
Garrett Viggers is chief product officer for Limelight
Health, which creates technology to help simplify the
decision-making process for certified brokers and their
customers when purchasing health insurance.
Act of kindness No. 3:
Write notes of gratitude to people
you are thankful for.
Dignity Health
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